Once upon a time
Once upon a time
I stepped on half a dime
For the other half, I searched the playground
but wished for a pound
I stumbled and so flied the half dime
in a curve ended in a lily pond
I heard giggles as resonating as chime
before I turned my body around
It's the girl from my neighbor
in her hands a snow-white lily flower
She shrouded me with a smell of thyme
and left on my bruised lips a taste of lime
那時不懂,後來才知道 thyme 不隻是香料,還有這個意思
The Bunch of Thyme is generally described as being a euphemism for the girl’s virginity. This is true but the true meaning is much broader than that. Thyme represents the girl’s purity and consequently it represents her hopes and prospects for future happiness.
我喜歡的一部小說,thomas hardy 的 far from the madding crowd, 改編的電影裏有首歌 let no one steal your thyme , 估計是上麵的意思。喜歡 hardy 的小說,聽 audio 覺得名字都起得有韻律美,比如 Bathsheba Everdene。 歌曲在這,曾經試著翻譯過歌詞,可惜找不到了,很喜歡的一首民謠。Carey Mulligan 唱的好聽,她的500裏也很好聽。