你有整整24小時呢,中下午在蘇黎世轉轉,老城不大我記得,湖邊轉轉,然後就可以去Lucerne了,傍晚的Lucerne才是最美的。可以在Lucerne的水邊吃晚飯看夜景。也可以住在Lucerne。不管人們怎麽說Lucerne,擁擠啊人多啊,overrated啊,Lucerne 還是一個must see, 非常清冽有情調的地方。如果你經常來往歐洲,留著以後去也不遲,如果難得去一次,Lucerne 還是一個地標。
How do I get from Zurich airport to Lucerne?
There is only one train that will take you from Zurich airport to Lucerne directly, without the need to change trains. This train is the IR70 which runs every 30 minutes or less from the airport. The ride takes exactly 1 hour and 2 minutes and a regular ticket costs 12.50€.