
Oh yeah, but I would only use it as a temporary hold. I tried to "change the spigot out back" one day and thought I was twisting it off...but I was really twisting copper pipe into a twizzler inside the wall. It was awesome. I kept the part that broke off as a souvenir of my brute strength and perseverance. It just so happened to start pouring rain on this Sunday afternoon and I was hungover something awful, so we had to act fast because a shower before work on Monday was absolutely necessary. Shut off the water at the street, let it set up for about 30 minutes to an hour and voila. It holds for at least 2 days, I know that. And this is the main pipe coming into my only-updated-on-the-outside-late-1950's-rambler. The stuff's good. The silver lining in all of this is I know a little bit about plumbing now. I tried tightening the packing nut, turns out the stem and packing washers had deteriorated to nearly nothing which was causing the leak. Go to home depot and they don't make replacement valve stems and washers for old sillcocks, he says. I wouldn't take no for an answer, either. I just would not accept the notion that they don't make parts for old things. I still don't buy it. We replaced the whole thing on the back of the house - you know, with the whole pipe being broken off and everything... I ended up using a piece of yoga mat on the front as a makeshift washer with the valve stem from the back's fixture that was no longer needed and it stopped leaking out of the handle. Like MacGuyver meets Bob Villa over here, being all resourceful and stuff. 
