謝晴的指點。Rick Steves' 2018 Rome 關於萬神廟和四河噴泉附近的教堂隻說了三個:“San Luigi houses several stunning Caravaggio paintings. Sant Eustachio is a church for women and has a Caravaggio’s painting. Santa Maria sopra Minevra is Rome’s only Gothic church, has a Michelangelo sculpture and St. Catherine’s tomb. Sant’Ignazio is full of Baroque perspective illusions that will leave your head spinning.
還沒有去,已經很喜歡Francesco Borromini的設計了,感覺Anthony Gaudi是他的轉世。再去看Bernini最喜歡的教堂,體會那個時代的社會和政治對兩位天才不同的影響。