我感覺還好,昨晚有幾小時不舒服,但今天開車去Boston很輕鬆。因為要去去開會,所以昨天打了Moderna的,舊藥新名詞, "Spikelax”, 新冠疫苗,for所謂的“新冠2023”(文學城Cow哥mychina口頭語), that牛戶昨天剛得個正的, wish him the best.
我們的保險Aetna,還是cover一百多塊錢的疫苗,因為這是屬於預防性質的protective,根據健保法,應是包含在免費的範圍內, 需要與保險公司討論。
據美國疾病控製與預防中心稱,最新的、更新的 COVID-19 疫苗應該很快就會向所有人提供,並且基本上免費提供。衛生當局建議 6 個月以上的每個人都應該接種疫苗,旨在針對當前的亞變種提供額外的保護。”
The latest, updated COVID-19 vaccines should soon be available to everyone and offered largely free of cost, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Health authorities recommend that everyone over the age of 6 months should get the shot, which is designed to offer additional protection against current sub variants.”