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Alice, Breda
Bathroom: 3 m²; Complete renovation
NIGHTMARE! Pathological liar. Had the bathroom done by this Bulgarian Azis, verbally he would do black (confirmed via whatsapp) believed him, but later he disputed. Agreed payment term on quote, but in between, he wanted more money, he threatened to demolish the house with a hammer, and if I pay he will work properly, I believed him (WRONG!), 3rd time came again begging and intimidating to pay earlier, I transferred (STUPID) he will correct his mistake (electricity was installed incorrectly, etc.) the next day, but unfortunately after he had all the money, he did not answer the phone anymore, like so many lies from Azis. Asiz, promise and agreement are nothing. Asiz asked for 50 euros in advance for lunch, then ignored to return, unbelievable! Contact Werkspot and file a complaint!
看看我今天給我的裝修工寫的REVIEW , 麻痹, 看誰怕誰! 我周一開始一個部門一個部門找他的麻煩,SB
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