UVA 到底是否要求康嫂的推薦信?見內:第一句感覺不需要;後麵的,感覺需要。

We require the secondary school report and one teacher evaluation from an academic subject teacher for each first-year application.

Your school counselor can submit the secondary school report online. A counselor recommendation can be submitted with the secondary school report. Your academic teacher recommendation should also be submitted online. In addition to the secondary school report, your counselor should submit the school profile and your transcript(s) online.

If your counselor is unable to write a recommendation letter, please request that the secondary school report still be completed and submitted online. If your counselor is unable to provide a written recommendation, you may submit a recommendation from another school administrator or academic teacher if possible. Please know that in this situation, a counselor recommendation is not required for your application to be reviewed.

If your school is unable to submit these documents electronically, they can be mailed.
