南京大屠殺史料片:Nanking Massacre-Japanese Atrocities, John Magee


     1937年7月7日,日本發動全麵侵華戰爭。11月,日軍進攻中國首都南京,12月13日南京淪陷。日軍進城後,開始對和平居民及放下武器的中國軍人進行連續 6星期的慘絕人寰的大屠殺。


1. Nanking Massacre-Japanese Atrocities filmed by John Magee



2. 影片下,有John Magee孫子Chris Magee的留言。

As John Magee's grandson I can assure you that these atrocities did take place. His letters home to his family and his films are testimony to this.

3. John Magee簡介

John Gillespie Magee

The Rev. John G. Magee was born October 10, 1884 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  After finishing high school in Connecticut, he received a B.A. from Yale University in 1906 and a B.D. from the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1911.  He was ordained as a minister of the Episcopal Church and set off for China in 1912.  In China he met Faith E. Backhouse, an English missionary from the China Inland Mission, whom he married in July 1921.  They had four sons.

John Magee played a role in saving thousands of Chinese from being murdered by the Japanese, setting up a refugee hospital to take care of wounded soldiers and refugees, and serving as chairman of the Nanking Branch of the International Red Cross and as a member of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone.  Films taken by Magee in Nanking and sent to the West provided some of the first available visual documentation of the Nanking Massacre. After the war, Magee was a witness at the Tokyo Trial.  Jiro Takidani's Witness to the Nanking Incident (Tokyo, 1993) documents Magee's work during the Nanking Massacre.

When Magee first returned to the United States in the summer of 1938, after 28 years of service in China, he made an extensive tour to speak about the Nanking Massacre.



我們民族的苦難日,國之殤,未敢忘 -離岸- 給 離岸 發送悄悄話 離岸 的博客首頁 (307 bytes) () 12/20/2024 postreply 10:13:29

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