波音公司官網:Boeing leaders through the years

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Executive Biography

David Calhoun is president and chief executive officer of The Boeing Company, a leading global aerospace company and provider of commercial airplanes; defense, space and security systems; and global services. The company employs more than 150,000 people worldwide, leverages the talents of a global supplier base, and is a top U.S. exporter for commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries.

Calhoun became Boeing president and chief executive in January 2020. He has served as a member of Boeing’s Board of Directors since 2009 and served as board chairman from October to December 2019.

Calhoun has extensive expertise in a wide array of strategic, business, safety and regulatory matters across several industries as a result of his executive, management and operational experience.

Calhoun previously served as senior managing director and head of portfolio operations at The Blackstone Group beginning in January 2014. During his time with the investment firm, he focused on creating and driving added-value initiatives with Blackstone’s portfolio company CEOs.

Previously, he also served as executive chairman of the board for Nielsen Holdings from January 2014 to January 2016. He joined Nielsen in 2006 as chief executive officer shortly after it was acquired through a consortium of private equity investors, including Blackstone. Throughout his seven-year Nielsen tenure, Calhoun led the company’s transformation into a leading global information and measurement firm listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.

Calhoun began his career at General Electric Company (GE), where he rose to vice chairman of the company and president and chief executive officer of GE Infrastructure, its largest business unit. During his 26 years at GE, he held a number of operating, finance and marketing roles and led multiple business units, including GE Transportation and GE Aircraft Engines.

Calhoun is a member of the board of directors of Caterpillar Inc. and a member of the Business Roundtable, an association of chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies. He also is a member of Virginia Tech’s Pamplin Advisory Council and is co-author of the book “How Companies Win.”

Calhoun has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Virginia Tech.


波音公司曾經是占據國際航空統治地位的巨大公司,近些年銷售量被歐洲的空客超過 -永遠老李- 給 永遠老李 發送悄悄話 (177 bytes) () 03/19/2024 postreply 05:05:15

波音的災難原因隻有一個:搞財政的比搞技術的更有發言權 -MoonRiverMe- 給 MoonRiverMe 發送悄悄話 MoonRiverMe 的博客首頁 (135 bytes) () 03/19/2024 postreply 09:21:30

well said. Not 波音。所有公司都一樣。唯一的例外是蘋果,吃教主紅利10年,但也衰事明顯。 -BJming- 給 BJming 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/20/2024 postreply 06:19:35

波音本來就是一個工廠,結果給搞成了一個大地攤 -MoonRiverMe- 給 MoonRiverMe 發送悄悄話 MoonRiverMe 的博客首頁 (147 bytes) () 03/21/2024 postreply 07:34:51

波音把攤子鋪的很大有其深遠的商業目的,把很多家綁在一起,割不掉舍不掉 -永遠老李- 給 永遠老李 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/21/2024 postreply 09:23:27

我真想自告奮勇有去波音搞軟件或產品測試,保證質量上一個台階,LOL -VCPP- 給 VCPP 發送悄悄話 VCPP 的博客首頁 (218 bytes) () 03/20/2024 postreply 10:38:26



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