Unbreakable Faith (ZT 英文貼, 不喜勿入)

來源: 小三兒她姐 2021-01-19 07:10:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1935 bytes)
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After doctors diagnosed their first-born son with autism, Diane Dokko Kim and her husband grieved facing a lifetime of caring for a cognitively disabled child. In her book Unbroken Faith, she admits to struggling with adjusting their dreams and expectations for their beloved son’s future. Yet through this painful process, they learned that God can handle their anger, doubts, and fears. Now, with their son reaching adulthood, Diane uses her experiences to encourage parents of children with special needs. She tells others about God's unbreakable promises, limitless power, and loving faithfulness. She assures people that He gives us permission to grieve when we experience the death of a dream, an expectation, a way or a season of life.

In Isaiah 26, the prophet declares that God's people can trust in the Lord forever, “for the Lord . . . is the Rock eternal”He's able to sustain us with supernatural peace in every situation. Focusing on His unchanging character and crying out to Him during troublesome times revitalizes our hope.

When we face any loss, disappointment, or difficult circumstance, God invites us to be honest with Him. He can handle our ever-changing emotions and our questions. He remains with us and refreshes our spirits with enduring hope. Even when we feel like our lives are falling apart, God can make our faith unbreakable.

原文鏈接: https://odb.org/US/2021/01/19/unbreakable-faith 

(馬上出門上班了,恕不回貼。 Have a very blessed day everyone! )


thanks, really beautiful writing. -水明善- 給 水明善 發送悄悄話 水明善 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 07:13:01

特別奇怪, 人家“不入”, 怎麽知道是不是不喜? 樓主真會YY啊。 -SwiperTheFox- 給 SwiperTheFox 發送悄悄話 SwiperTheFox 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 07:23:13

在樓上轉載個地道英文貼, 看到底是誰是在監獄裏, 看不懂英文... -SwiperTheFox- 給 SwiperTheFox 發送悄悄話 SwiperTheFox 的博客首頁 (177 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 07:30:18

Stage 5 of grief. -xplnt- 給 xplnt 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 07:19:08

THE CABAL IS GOING DOWN. We will remember this glorious day! -xihubebe- 給 xihubebe 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 07:52:00

當一個人在現實裏遇到瓶頸的時候,可以把一切托交給GOD. 知道一些臨近生命終點的人,最後把一切都交給了god,得以解脫。 -SkyHawk- 給 SkyHawk 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2021 postreply 08:06:09
