
本帖於 2019-06-07 08:45:50 時間, 由普通用戶 Cinderella18 編輯
回答: 今早還是沒有進食,而且便血了。HappyE2019-06-07 07:46:00


以下是google 英文翻譯:

Dogs infected with canine parvovirus will have depression, loss of food, vomiting, and diarrhea. At the beginning of the disease, the feces are thin, and with the development of the disease, the feces are brown or ketchup-like bloody stools with a special smell of odor. Severe dehydration in the later stage, the eyeball subsided, the nasal environment was dry, the skin elasticity was lowered, and the body weight was significantly reduced. It is recommended that you use an isotonic glucose solution with 5% sodium bicarbonate injection for intravenous injection. The amount of rehydration can be determined according to the degree of dehydration. Then combined with anti-inflammatory, hemostasis, antiemetic, gentamicin 10,000 units / kg body weight, dexamethasone 0.5 mg / kg body weight mixed intramuscular injection, or kanamycin 50,000 units / kg body weight dexamethasone mixed intramuscular injection. Vitamin K 11 mg / kg body weight, Vk30.4 mg / kg body weight, mixed intramuscular injection. (Note: If you are not a professional veterinarian, please do not inject drugs into your pets, you need a professional veterinarian.) In addition, there are dogs that eat bones to the stomach, parasites in the stomach, and gastroenteritis. It will cause the dog to pull the blood in the stool. If the dog is in serious condition, it is recommended to go to the pet hospital for treatment, so as not to miss the treatment time.




另外, dog puppy不懂事, 很喜歡什麽都要拿來啃啃, 容易咬碎了家俱, 玩具,誤吞碎片。吞了金屬製,塑料,木頭,不僅可能堵塞,還可能碎片不規則,帶尖的,劃傷內部。  仔細查看,推敲。 同時詢問vet,與vet商量下一步。


再有,我家後院植物和花的種類繁多,留心puppy 誤食中毒, 共勉。


理解你的擔心。我相信dog比較皮實, 自我恢複能力較強。


謝謝,我會問問醫生, 但是狗狗vaccine都有打,如果是普遍的病菌應該可能性不大。 -HappyE- 給 HappyE 發送悄悄話 HappyE 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/07/2019 postreply 09:16:52

也是。還有可能遛狗時, 狗 -Cinderella18- 給 Cinderella18 發送悄悄話 (696 bytes) () 06/07/2019 postreply 10:18:54
