
來源: 高子 2014-08-01 14:06:34 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5914 bytes)
回答: 怎麽辦?怎麽辦??怎麽辦???高子2014-08-01 13:43:41
You must find a wild bird or wild life rehabber - you can not raise a wild baby bird without prior experience. When you find a wild life/bird center - then, volunteer with them to get these lessons first hand - it will be a great joy for you, we promise.

This website can not give you a 10 minute chat regarding the "how-to's" for a successful raise and release of an orphaned baby bird. We have 15 years of hard work and experience. Do the right thing by finding an organization that specializes in helping orphaned wild baby birds. This website is here to give you information while you search your state and county for the right people.

Read this website page, it answers almost ALL of your questions if you find a baby bird.

1.) Here are 2 websites to help you find a licensed rehabilitation center in your area:

www.southeasternoutdoors.com and Wildlife International Site (leave your city blank for better results)

2.) If you find a fully feathered on the ground - that is a fledgling on their first flight. They just need to be picked up off the ground and put in a bush or on a tree branch. Do not worry about the "scent of man" on the baby - it is an old wives' tale. The parents will not reject the baby from a human handling the bird. Be sure to leave the area and don't look out a window to watch - the parents will see you and will be afraid, causing them to stay away from the baby. Fledglings are terrible flyers and landings are also bad. After a couple of days of practise, the fledglings will be able to get off the ground. The parents follow them during this ground period and feed them. After the ground period, the fledglings then fly and follow the parents for at least a month to receive food.

The parents will hear - 2 block radius - their fledgling baby's calls for food. If the area you first found the baby has too much traffic - cars, cats, people - put the baby in a more secluded place on a tree branch or in a bush, in that 2 block radius.

3.) If you find a whole nest with featherless baby birds, place the nest in an Easter basket and hang it in the area you found the nest or out of the elements but still accessible to the parents so they can feed and keep the babies warm. Try to place the basket in a low traffic area.

If you find one or two featherless wild baby birds, it is usually pretty hard to place the baby back into the nest. You will need to follow the instructions below:

A website to help you find a licensed rehabilitation center in your area is: Wildlife International Site (leave your city blank for better results) and www.southeasternoutdoors.com. If you still can not find anyone, your area's veterinarians, pet store, animal shelter usually knows a person that cares for wild animals.

4.) If you find a featherless baby bird, first thing is to keep it warm. Place it on a towel covered heating pad on the lowest setting - keep it in a quiet safe place, then call your local rehabilitator, your local SPCA, your local veterinarian. The information below should be enough until you can contact the right person.

It is illegal to keep a wild bird. Here at the MWBC we all love the baby wild birds because they are so cute and sweet but it will be in the baby's best interest to take it to a facility that raises and cares for wild birds.

General information when the baby is in your custody, while you are looking for a wild bird rehabilitation center:

Do not give the baby water. Make sure the food is not dripping with water. If liquids get into the bird's lungs, it will cause pulmonary aspiration and death.

Do not give bread to baby birds. There is no nutritional value in bread and it causes internal blockage.

Different types of birds eat different types of food.

If the baby is NOT a dove or pigeon - we feed the baby Pedigree Puppy Chow that has been soaked in water making it spongy and moist - make sure the nugget is not dripping with water (too wet) or too dry. It must be like a sponge. (It takes one hour to absorb the water - 1 part food to 2 parts water). If the nugget is too large for the baby, tear it in half. Also, mealworms after pinching the head and crickets are good. If you don't have puppy chow, use what you have in the house - wet cat or dog food, forming a ball the size of a pea and place in its mouth. Dry cat food is also okay to use, after soaking it in water.

Feed the baby room temperature food and throw out the soaked dog/cat food after 12 hours because it will sour.

Doves and pigeons eat seeds. The mother digests the seeds in her crop turning the food into a "soup". We prepare a seed formula and tube the "soup" past the glottis. This formula can be purchased from a pet store because it is the same food that baby parrots are given. Pet stores hand raise many parrots and they can show you how to feed the baby.

Any baby that is found without feathers must be kept warm. Also, if parent birds make their nests in boxes or tree trunks - a dark environment - you must also make your habitat dark. That way you will not injure the baby's eyes.

Feeding a baby bird the wrong food can be deadly. We have heard of people soaking bread in milk to give a baby - remember birds do not nurse their young. Milk is not a natural diet for them and it does more harm than good.

If this information has been helpful, please send a donation, just one dollar will add up to many dollars for us to continue our great work in the Florida Keys and to give information to people who have found a wild baby bird! Thank you!


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