我是NIW身份,140 批了,持工卡工作。才到一家公司不到一年,公司突然關閉。我失業了。這是否影響我綠卡申請?
-No, but you need to find a new job as soon as possible in case USCIS send you RFE for your employment status.
-No problem because you have a pending I-485.
我是NIW身份,140 批了,持工卡工作。才到一家公司不到一年,公司突然關閉。我失業了。這是否影響我綠卡申請?
-No, but you need to find a new job as soon as possible in case USCIS send you RFE for your employment status.
-No problem because you have a pending I-485.
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