請問大家見過嗎 ? 我是第一次,請問是咋回事?
Dear XXX,
During a recent review of your PayPal account the determination was made
to apply a collateral and rolling reserve to the account beginning
January 21, 2012. A collateral amount of $1,500.00 will be set aside
from your current available balance as of the above date. Additionally a
rolling reserve will be set at 10% of the processed amount for each day,
to be held for a 180 day rolling period beginning on the above date.
An example of a Rolling Reserve: 10% of the payments you receive are
held at the end of the first day and will be released on day 181, 10% of
your payments are held at the end of the second day and will be released
on day 182, and so on.
The decision regarding your reserves setting was based on the review of
the risk exposure inherent to your account (1). A risk review is the
evaluation of several factors related to an account, which include but
are not limited to transactional activity, customer disputes, type of
business, delivery and customer satisfaction time frames. Reserves are
funds that belong to you, but are set aside to ensure your account can
cover transaction liabilities. You will be notified if your reserve
settings are adjusted in the future.
PayPal 又搞新花樣了 ?
retainage 而已,要到January 21, 2012呢。早
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01/21/2010 postreply