When your buyer paid you with her/his bank account fund via paypal, he/she paid you with eCheck, like regular paper check, eCheck needs a few days (or more days if buyer is not in the same country as you are)to clear. don't ship until pending change to Cleared.
eCheck is not cleared yet.
• 原來還有echeck呀 謝謝高人!! -娃娃2009- ♀ (296 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 03:38:30
• 那個應該不是,因為你新人,怕你拿了錢跑路!等你PAYPAL裏有些錢了就好了 -EBAY外行- ♂ (2 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 05:10:57
• paypal裏的pending是ebay控製的? -娃娃2009- ♀ (216 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 10:13:58
• on hold沒事,不用理它,PENDING是受資金轉帳影響,不能說誰控製 -EBAY外行- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 16:02:24
• ON HOLD要馬上發貨,買家留FDBACK後,RELEASE -EBAY外行- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 16:04:01
• 回複:ON HOLD要馬上發貨,買家留FDBACK後,RELEASE -娃娃2009- ♀ (70 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 17:46:30
• PENDING和ON HOLD是倆回事!PENDING是資金轉帳,等錢到了,再發貨 -EBAY外行- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/08/2009 postreply 18:14:27