巴黎的Restaurant Epicure是米其林三星的餐館,提早近兩個月前預約,還是在waiting list. 這是餐館的回信:
Dear XXX,
First and foremost, allow us to thank you for the interest you show in our gastronomical restaurant, Epicure.
We are sorry to inform you our restaurant is already fully committed for lunch on Thursday, May 26th 2016.
However, we would be happy to add your request on our waiting list may you provide us with a cell phone number reachable while you stay in Paris, as well as the name of the hotel you will be staying in Paris. We would keep you informed in any case of cancellation.
As an alternative, we would be happy to assist you in booking a table in our luxury brasserie the “114 Faubourg”, one Michelin star, or to consider any another date that would be suitable for you.
Do not hesitate to contact us if this option could be of any interest. We would be delighted to be welcoming you in any of our venues.
We thank you for understanding and hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you very soon.
Best regards,
Restaurant Epicure |
Restaurant Epicure 在1924年就開張的五星級酒店Leaders Bristol 。這是家宮殿式酒店,裏麵的藝術品都是原件,也是歐洲唯一 一家同時有米其林三星和一星餐廳的酒店。不同於其他古色古香奢華的餐廳,優雅明亮是Epicure 給人的感覺。
一般來說,高級的餐館對著裝都有要求。 我看見有人穿上酒店提供的西裝並把雙肩包留在外麵。
正餐我點的是魚。忘了拍side dish.
最後推上來一個像放首飾的大櫃子, 服務生打開一個個抽屜,裏麵是各種各樣的甜食:巧克力,花生糖和馬卡龍......隻要吃得下,隨便拿。盡管已經撐得不行了,還是拿了兩塊馬卡龍和一塊花生糖。