Let Z = Nb(2,1/4). (there is a "d" above "=", means distribution. N means Negative)
Q1. Calculate P(Z > 8)
Q2. Is Z more likely to take on even values, or odd values? justify your answer.
Let Z = Nb(2,1/4). (there is a "d" above "=", means distribution. N means Negative)
Q1. Calculate P(Z > 8)
Q2. Is Z more likely to take on even values, or odd values? justify your answer.
• Q1. 0.9221343994 -tarryorange- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/06/2018 postreply 23:41:36
• Q2. even -tarryorange- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/06/2018 postreply 23:47:56
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