I assume that every one in the row has complete information of the people before him.
for a group of three person, person 1 says black if person 2 and 3 has hat of the same colour and white otherwise. Then person 1 has 0.5 chance of surviving while person 2 and 3 will survive for sure.
this is in fact the highest rate of survival i have found so far, 2.5 out of 3, among any n people.
for a group of 4 person, person 1 says the colour of hats which is most dominant, shared by at least two people. I think it may yield better survival rate than simply 3, but it cant.
so the best answer i have so far is in a file of 100 people, let us have 33 groups of three person and one left. the total expected number of survivor is 83 in this case.
expected number of survivor is 83?
本帖於 2010-04-08 17:52:56 時間, 由版主 於德利 編輯