回複:回複:有趣的邏輯思維測試題: (9)的答案

本帖於 2010-04-08 17:51:58 時間, 由版主 於德利 編輯
回答: 有趣的邏輯思維測試題 (1)含嫣2010-01-18 11:24:36

i have a better solution
if 1x:1x:2x then no-no-yes
if 3x:1x:2x then no-no-no -yes
if 3x:5x:2x then no-no-no -no -yes
if 3x:5x:8x then no-no-no -no-no-yes

your solution is here - not as perfect as the 1st one... but seems it works to me. as i said in my earlier post - there might be muti-solutions.
if 1x:1x:2x no-no-yes
if 1x:3x:2x no-no-no no-yes
if 1x:3x:4x no-no-no no-no-yes
