If Tony’s father must take a
different route every day to
prevent a robbery attempt,
how many different paths
down and to the left can he
take from the hotel to the
My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help...
• 回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -路過,所以飄過- ♂ (86 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 20:35:36
• Looks more than that -JIAYANGGUIZI2- ♂ (28 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 20:48:56
• 70 -jinjing- ♀ (0 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 21:11:32
• 回複:回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -jinjing- ♀ (43 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 21:02:07
• 回複:回複:回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -jinjing- ♀ (22 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 21:10:41
• 回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -綠蘋果園- ♀ (458 bytes) () 01/17/2010 postreply 23:58:46
• 回複:回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -JIAYANGGUIZI2- ♂ (104 bytes) () 01/18/2010 postreply 08:13:58
• 回複:回複:回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -Jinjing- ♀ (332 bytes) () 01/18/2010 postreply 10:28:05
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:My daughter's 3rd grade math. Need help... -JIAYANGGUIZI2- ♂ (137 bytes) () 01/18/2010 postreply 10:45:37
• explain the "70" -longsky- ♂ (491 bytes) () 01/18/2010 postreply 09:56:06
• 一躬到地謝諸俠回複 -JIAYANGGUIZI2- ♂ (0 bytes) () 01/18/2010 postreply 10:47:35