I highly recommend u make a new thread

回答: 可以開個主貼討論。蠻有意思的。亂彈2009-05-14 18:23:30

here and at Career Forum.

At career forum, I bet there are many IT gurus who are interested the topics of this kind.

I remember clearly that numerous c/java/.net tech questions were red hot many times at Career Forum.


不過,現在的職壇跟以前不大一樣了:失業的人太多了。討論技術的話題少了。。 -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (128 bytes) () 05/14/2009 postreply 19:00:20

typo: 不敢 -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/14/2009 postreply 19:04:06
