
來源: ytwadk 2020-10-18 02:21:38 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6966 bytes)
參議員Ron Johnson參議院國土安全委員會主席10月17日寫給FBI局長Christopher A. Wray一封信裏的的五個主要問題,其中第二個裏還有進一步的六個問題,要求FBI下周四前答複。括號裏的中文是本人的翻譯,僅作參考。
1. Does the FBI possess material from Hunter Biden’s laptop(s)? If yes. how and when did the FBI obtain this information?(FBI是否擁有來自亨特拜登電腦裏的文件,如果有,什麽時候,怎麽得到的?)
2. Is it accurate that FBI officials obtained contents from Hunter Biden’s laptop from a business located in Delaware? If so: (FBI是由在特拉華州商人那得到的亨特拜登電腦上的內容,這個說法是否準確,如果說法準確:)
  • When did the FBI first examine these records? (FBI什麽時候第一次檢查這些內容?)
  • Has the FBI concluded its examination of these records? (FBI對這些內容是否已做出結論?)
  • Has the FBI found any evidence of criminal activity based on its examination of these records? (FBI是否已經發現這些記錄裏有犯罪的行為?)
  • Has the FBI determined whether the records on the computer was generated on that computer. Is genuine, or has been altered in any way? (FBI是否已決定這些內容是在這個電腦上生成的?這些內容是否是真的,或者通過任何在一種方式被更改過?)
  • Has the FBI determined whether these records were generated or authored by Hunter Biden? (FBI是否已經決定這些內容是亨特拜登自己創建的或者是他授權創建的?)
  • Has the FBI determined whether these records are a result from someone hacking Hunter Biden’s computer? (FBI是否已經決定這些內容是被黑客攻擊後的結果?)
3. Is it accurate that the FBI issued a grand jury subpoena from the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware to obtain this information? If so, when and why was this subpoena issued? Was this information ever offered to the FBI voluntarily? (FBI是否已從美國地方法院針對特拉華州的地區法院發出大陪審團傳票以獲取此信息是否準確? 如果是這樣,發出傳票的時間和原因是什麽? 此信息是否曾經自願提供給FBI?)
4. When and how were you made aware that the Delaware computer repair shop owner possessed a computer and its electronic contents that he claimed originally belonged to Hunter Biden? (你什麽時候以及如何得知特拉華州的電腦維修店的店主有這台電腦及其硬盤裏的文件,他聲稱該電腦最初屬於亨特拜登?)
5. In addition to these records allegedly provided in response to a subpoena, has the FBI ever been in possession of any other of Hunter Biden’s laptops) or material from Hunter Biden’s laptop? (除了據稱是為回應傳票而提供的這些硬盤文件外,FBI是否曾經擁有過其他任何亨特拜登的筆記本電腦,或亨特拜登的筆記本電腦裏的文件? )



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