酷紛競閑情 · 憶昔怨淚悠

【專輯名稱】: 《霍世潔——爵士·胡情》(When Jazz Meets Erhu)
【專輯藝人】: 霍世潔 Jessie Hou
【發行公司】: 環球唱片 Universal
【發行日期】: 2011
【專輯類型】: Jazz, Folk, Crossover
霍世潔是出生於台灣的胡琴知名演奏家,曾獲得全台灣省胡琴比賽冠軍,北京“第一屆藝術杯中國樂器國際邀請賽”二胡專業組特別表演獎,及1988年“上海十大新聞人物”。曾任職香港中樂團首席樂師,現任教於香港演藝學院及香港音專,亦為中國民族管絃樂協會全國民族樂器演奏藝術水平考官及中國音樂家協會二胡學會會員。霍氏演奏足跡遍及世界各地,演出實況經常獲各地電視台及電台轉播。除與各地國家級樂團合作外,亦跨界至電子二胡及流行音樂類別。曾參與多位天王、天後的大型演唱會演出,包括輝黃2000演唱會、金曲娛樂真經典演唱會等;亦為不同著名歌手的大碟作音樂錄音工作,如林子祥、葉蒨文、林憶蓮、李克勤、劉德華、盧冠廷、呂方等。此外,亦經常參與電影、電視之音樂製作,最近期有《宮心計》、《巾幗梟雄》、《少林寺》等。 2005年參與環球唱片製作現場錄製《李克勤演奏廳》而大獲好評。
專輯中每首歌,都兼融了無數的嚐試與創造。霍老師堅持以旋律搶耳、簡單為重心,更想盡辦法打破胡琴五度音階的拉奏常規。好像《酷》這首歌,她便用了“雙音”及較大幅度的滑音來豐富此曲的表現力。而《競》這首歌在拉奏的初期,苦瓜老師本已交出優質歌譜,但追求完美的霍老師靈機一動,特地為歌曲加入三軌馬嘶及馬鳴等二胡技巧,使Jazz與國樂互相交纏出新火花。值得一提是《憶》及《紛》兩首作品的二胡前奏,也是霍老師的神來之筆,其繆思令人擊節讚賞。另外,兩位老師又將華語經典旋律來個翻天覆地的變奏,如《情人的眼淚》、《明月千裏寄相思》等,將為人熟知的樂曲轉化成Funky、Waltz的音樂,別出心裁。特別一提是《怨》這首曲,老師受Laura Fygi 的《Dream A Little Dream》啟發,想把那份慵懶、憂憂的氣息加進歌曲中,遂與苦瓜老師研究如何合並於《斷腸紅》上。在二人的努力下,本來風馬牛不相及的曲風(而且不是Jazz類別),終得出以Blues拉奏此曲的想法。其後經過霍老師不停的研究,既將音調降低以突出哀怨感,又靈機一觸,再編奏第二部的二胡,將主、副二部胡樂交疊在一起形成對話式的傾訴,使整件事變得靈通、慵懶又憂怨。那份編奏的才華及演繹的技巧,叫人佩服不已。
Jazz is well known for its various styles and improvisation with different music and musical instruments. Have you ever imagined that erhu can play jazz with improvisation? The CD, When Jazz Meets Erhu, gives you a definite answer: it can make it!
The CD, When Jazz Meets Erhu, contained 10 jazz music pieces which were arranged by Xu Zhi-min(許治民) (苦瓜老師Master Bitter-Gourd) who specialized in jazz music in Taiwan. He had arranged music with various artists like Tsai-qin(蔡琴) and Luo Zhi-xiang(羅誌祥). This time Mr. Xu had arranged some well-known Chinese music like “I have got a romance” (我有一段情), “miss you under moonlight” (明月千裏寄相思), “Minjiang Night song” (岷江夜曲), “A heartbroken girl” (斷腸紅), “Lover’s Tears” (情人的眼淚) and “Evening bell at Nanping Hill” (南屏晚鐘) into Jazz music. The erhu played as a singer in the music and it was played by Jessie Hou Shih-chieh(霍世潔), an erhu maestro who had cooperated with various artists in Chinese pop music. Of course, there was a jazz band playing the music with her.
The 10 jazz music pieces adopted various jazz styles. For example, the music “Relax” used Bossa Nova which was originated from Brazil. Moreover, the music “Romance” used Swing with a combination of the music styles in the East and the West. Besides that, a lot of erhu techniques were used in the music. For instance, Jessie used tremolo with trio to imitate the horse neighing and whining in the music “Compete”. What’s more, the music “Cool” used 2 pitches in one note which was not commonly used in erhu music. All in all, the elements used the music pieces were so innovative that they have not been used before in jazz music.
1.酷 Cool
2.紛 Colorful
3.閑 Relax
4.競 Compete
5.情[我有一段情] Romance
6.憶[明月千裏寄相思] Miss
7.昔[岷江夜曲] Past
8.怨[斷腸紅] Resent
9.淚[情人的眼淚] Tears
10.悠[南屏晚鍾] Leisure
- 01. 酷 Cool
- 02. 紛 Colorful
- 03. 閑 Relax
- 04. 競 Compete
- 05. 情 [我有一段情] Romance
- 06. 憶 [明月千裏寄相思] Miss
- 07. 昔 [岷江夜曲] Past
- 08. 怨 [斷腸紅] Resent
- 09. 淚 [情人的眼淚] Tears
- 10. 悠 [南屏晚鍾] Leisure
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