Vladimir Horowitz - The Last Romantic (1985)

本帖於 2013-01-06 12:18:22 時間, 由普通用戶 yuanyuan88 編輯

Vladimir Horowitz - The Last Romantic

A charming documentary filmed at Vladimir Horowitz's townhouse on the Upper East Side of New York. It features many performances of some of the pieces of Horowitz's favorite repertoire, and also sheds light on his thoughts and opinions on music.

During the film Horowitz often jokes and talks about his favorite composers: his friend Sergei Rachmaninoff, Frederic Chopin and the mysterious modern composer Alexander Scriabin. Horowitz's wife, Wanda, also contributes her share to the discussions; she shows photo albums and reminisces about their past.

3:51 Bach-Busoni, Chorale in G minor
13:09 Mozart, Sonata in C, K330
28:41 Schubert, Impromptu in A flat, Op. 90 no. 4
36:35 Chopin, Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 no. 4
40:38 Chopin, Scherzo No.1 in B minor
51:59 Liszt, Consolation in D flat, No. 3
57:15 Rachmaninoff, Prelude in G sharp, Op. 32 no. 12
1:03:53 Schumann, Novelette in F major, Op. 21
1:11:08 Scriabin, Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 2 no. 1
1:14:07 Chopin, Polonaise in A flat, Op. 53
1:21:16 Moskowski, Etude in F, Op. 72, No. 6


Additional Footage Playlist:
2:04 Chopin, Etude in G flat major, Op. 10 no. 5 (Black Keys)
3:42 Moszkowski, Etude in F major, Op. 72 no. 6
6:00 Liszt, Au Bord d'une Source


Horowitz in Moscow (1986)

  • Vladimir Horowitz - A Reminiscence
  • Vladimir Horowitz - Live in Vienna (1987)
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