一代巨星——盧西亞.波普(Lucia Popp,1939年11月12日-1993年11月16日),奧地利女高音。
Lucia Popp是20世紀後半頁最受歡迎的花腔女高音之一,以飾演莫劄特筆下《魔笛》中的夜後而聞名於世。晚年轉換行當,改唱瓦格納和理夏德.施特勞斯的抒情女高音角色,同樣出色。
01. Exsultate, Jubilate: 《歡欣,雀躍》 K165
I. Rejoice, be glad, -- O you blessed souls, -- Rejoice, be glad, -- Singing sweet songs; -- In response to your singing -- Let the heavens sing forth with me.
II. The friendly day shines forth, -- both clouds and storms have fled now; -- for the righteous there has arisen an unexpected calm. -- Dark night reigned everywhere [before]; -- you who feared till now, -- and joyful for this lucky dawn -- give garlands and lilies with full right hand.
III. You, o crown of virgins, -- grant us peace, -- console our feelings, -- from which our hearts sigh. -- Alleluja......
02. L'Amero, Saro Costante: 我愛你,這愛情堅貞 -- 選自歌劇《牧羊王》
I shall love her, I shall be constant: -- Faithful spouse, and faithful beloved, -- Only for her shall I sigh. --
In so darling and sweet an object -- My joy, my delight, -- My peace shall I find.
03. Voi, Che Sapete: 你們可知道,什麽是愛情 -- 選自歌劇《費加羅的婚禮》
04. Porgi Amor: 求愛神給我安慰 -- 選自歌劇《費加羅的婚禮》
05. Una Donna A Quindici Anni: 年輕姑娘應該懂得 -- 選自歌劇《女人皆如此》
06. Come Scoglio: 堅如磐石 -- 選自歌劇《女人皆如此》
07. O Zittre Nicht, Mein Lieber Sohn: 別顫抖,別害怕啊,孩子! -- 選自歌劇《魔笛》
Oh, tremble not, my dear son! -- You are innocent, wise, pious; -- A youth like you must do his best -- to console this deeply troubled mother's heart.
I am chosen for suffering -- For my daughter is gone from me; -- Through her all my happiness has been lost, -- A villain fled with her. -- I can still see her trembling -- with fearful shaking, -- her frightened quaking, -- her timid effort. -- I had to see her stolen from me, -- Oh help! Oh help! was all that she said. -- But in vain was her pleading, -- For my powers of help were too weak.
You, you, you will go to free her, -- You will be the rescuer of my daughter. -- And if I see you return in triumph, -- Then she will be yours forever.
08. Der Hoelle Rache Kocht In Meinem Herzen: 複仇的地獄在我心中沸騰 -- 選自歌劇《魔笛》
Hell's vengeance boils in my heart; -- Death and despair blaze around me! -- If Sarastro does not feel the pain of death because of you, -- Then you will be my daughter nevermore.
Disowned be forever, -- Forsaken be forever, -- Shattered be forever -- All the bonds of nature -- If Sarastro does not turn pale [in death] because of you! -- Hear, gods of vengeance, hear the mother's oath!