家長幫孩子付學費不算在 $19000 Gift Limit 裏

本帖於 2025-02-19 17:54:38 時間, 由普通用戶 TTFAN 編輯

家長幫孩子付學費不算在 $19000 Gift Limit 裏,但家長不能把錢直接給孩子,要把學費直接交給學校。

Under the IRS tax code, individuals may pay an unlimited amount for someone's tuition and not be taxed. To make a tuition gift that qualifies for the federal gift tax educational exclusion, you can't give the money directly to a student, you must make the tuition payment directly to the student's school.


原來是這樣! 謝謝 -zeno- 給 zeno 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2025 postreply 17:58:45
