
本帖於 2010-10-04 08:41:25 時間, 由版主 天象 編輯


根據法新社 - 羅馬 (AEP) 10 月 2 日星期六消息,意大利醫生為一個 15 歲男孩成功地進行了人造心髒移植手術。醫院稱這是世界第一例青少年人工心髒移植手術。

在周四於羅馬的巴比 - 歌蘇兒童醫院裏,對男孩的心髒外科手術進行了 10 小時,獲得成功, 手術是非常 “ 謹慎 ” 的。

在一份聲明中說,醫院說: “ 這是第一次在一個青少年病人身上進行的在胸腔內的永久性的人造心髒移植手術。到目前為止這種類型的移植手術都是在成年人身上進行的。 ”

通常, 人工心髒用於暫時代用目的,以等待適當的人體器官移植。 但那個男孩病況已十分嚴重,不能夠再繼續等待下去。

移植的人工心髒是四厘米( 1.6 英寸)寬,重達 400 克( 14 盎司),並采取特別處理措施,以減少移植後感染的危險。

醫院說: “ 根據世界上報道的所有可能出現的問題及解決方案中, 受感染風險是導致手術失敗的主要原因 ” 。

這個外科手術 ” 開創了心髒外科的新時代,為需要心髒移植手術的心髒病人帶來了生命希望的福音,特別是對那些類似星期四的病人,這些病人由於臨床原因而不能接受捐贈心髒。 “

Italian doctors give teenager artificial heart: hospital

Sat Oct 2, 2:40 PM

ROME (AFP) - Doctors in Italy implanted an artificial heart into a 15-year-old boy on Saturday, the first time the procedure has been performed on a child, the hospital said.

Heart surgeons at Rome's Bambino Gesu Children?s Hospital carried out the 10-hour breakthrough operation on Thursday, and the hospital said it was "cautious" over the boy's condition.

"A permanent artificial heart in the inside of the chest was implanted for the first time on an (adolescent) patient. So far this type of implant has only taken place on adults," said the hospital in a statement.

Artificial hearts are usually used on a temporary basis for patients awaiting a suitable human transplant, but the boy suffered from an illness that made a long wait impossible.

The artificial heart is four centimetres (1.6 inches) wide and weighs 400 grammes (14 ounces), and special measures were taken to reduce the risk of infection.

"The risk of infection represents the primary cause of failure of alternative solutions attempted to date worldwide," said the hospital.

The procedure "opened new therapeutic perspectives and hope for life for all patients with cardiac illnesses for whom a transplant is needed, especially for those like Thursday's patient who cannot receive a donated heart for clinical reasons," the statement said.

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