
本帖於 2024-11-12 19:07:44 時間, 由普通用戶 老柏樹 編輯

柳潭裏5,7團和炮團主力撤回到下竭隅裏,得到2天很好的休整,全天候可以吃到熱食。而且500多個元山登陸後傷愈的陸戰隊士兵正好也是這時被飛機送回下竭隅裏,都是生力軍啊!用陸戰一師的記載,12月6號的戰鬥比柳潭裏的還慘烈(除了陸戰一師主力基本全在,還有40多輛坦克直接參戰 --- 長津湖戰役中大規模坦克參戰的隻發生在下竭隅裏,兩次,分別是11月30號和12月6號,陳凱歌拍的《長津湖》中誌願軍和美軍在新興裏坦克大戰是忽悠小粉紅老粉紅票房的):

The struggle during the next three hours (after 2:05am, Dec 7) was considered the most spectacular if not the most fiercely contested battle of the entire Reservoir campaign even by veterans of the Yudam-ni actions. Never before had they seen the Chinese come on in such numbers or return to the attack with such persistence. 
