There’s no more school,” a parent from the town of Darien told me flatly. (She, like Sloane and several other parents, did not want to be identified for privacy and recruitment reasons.) “There’s no more church. No more friends. We gave it all up for squash.” She says she is working on a memoir that she intends to self-publish, titled Squashed.
一個康州家長說,沒有學校讀書,沒有教堂,沒有朋友,隻有Squash, 啥是Squash?
• 應該是壁球,我一個朋友的女兒全美排名前五還是前十,上了藤校D1打了一兩年得了冠軍後不打了 -飛黎- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/24/2023 postreply 06:43:38
• 我們這,小中男,因私高有壁球場地,網球轉壁球,打得不錯,去了康。朋友提議,我也問過娃,被拒 -成功的兔- ♀ (73 bytes) () 10/24/2023 postreply 06:54:26
• 康的壁球很強的,我朋友女兒放棄哥大去了康,為這個項目放棄了很多鋼琴中文都不學了 -飛黎- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/24/2023 postreply 07:00:31
• I see. Good to know. 那媽媽感慨兒子天天琢磨,練習,充分利用了場地優勢 -成功的兔- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/24/2023 postreply 07:10:11