狗了一下,美國大約有122 MDPHD programs, 其中隻有50個是NIH給錢,其它都是學校自費設立的,印象裏

本帖於 2025-03-14 11:33:46 時間, 由普通用戶 trimtip 編輯
回答: 今年醫學院MD/PhD program, 好多被砍了。haoren32025-03-14 10:20:04

這些學校自費設立的MDPHD,需要通過某種國家級評估質量審核後才有可能拿到NIH資助,通常都是排名很高的醫學院才能得到NIH資助,很多排名靠後的學校都希望設立MDPHD program因為這會影響到學校學術聲譽和將來申請科研經費的渠道和多少。聽說,有些被取消的MDPHD是因為沒有通過審核評估,也就是學校畢業的MDPHD質量不高,並非都是經費問題。NIH每年大約資助600-700名MDPHD學生,占每年新招醫學生的3%左右。


In the United States, there are roughly 122 MD-PhD programs affiliated with medical schools, and approximately 50 of them are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).


Annual Matriculants: Around 600 students enter MD-PhD programs each year.

  • Percentage of Medical School Matriculants: This represents about 3% of all students who start medical school.
  • PhD Focus: PhD training for MD-PhD students is typically in biomedical sciences, but can also be in fields outside of the classical biomedical sciences.
  • Examples of PhD Fields: These include bioengineering, chemical biology, bioinformatics, public health, anthropology, and bioethics.
  • Acceptance Rate: About 10% of MD-PhD applicants get in, due to a smaller applicant pool.


印象中NIH 每年資助一百多人,不是6,7百人。 -淘娃羊爸- 給 淘娃羊爸 發送悄悄話 (295 bytes) () 03/14/2025 postreply 11:54:51

好像學校也要象征性的出一點小錢 -haoren3- 給 haoren3 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2025 postreply 11:59:01

很多top的program每年都會有幾個外國學生,這些人就沒有聯邦資助。 -淘娃羊爸- 給 淘娃羊爸 發送悄悄話 (57 bytes) () 03/14/2025 postreply 12:04:34
