Yes, Use the chance to talk with him since he already agreed. Let him tell you what is the budgeted $$ for this position first, if that $$ makes you happy, say " I am so happy to hear this number, thanks a lot!"
If the number is lower than your target, tell him "Thanks for your willingness to give me a raise. Based on my education and my performance of these N month, I will be more then happy if I can be payed in $nn." See how will he reply.
• 回複:老板說談嘛不談,要談工資並不難.自己利益自己要,抓住機會在眼前! -liangban- ♀ (290 bytes) () 01/16/2009 postreply 09:32:21
• It's a misconcept that pay raise and layoff don't coexist -catcherintherye- ♂ (411 bytes) () 01/16/2009 postreply 10:15:55