
Here is a template of a workable resume. I got this template from the HR expert. Thanks!

(Contact info: first line: name, phone, second line: address, email, let HR know how to connect you, that's it, not need complex format, not need big font for your name. Keep it simple.)

James Yu 588-588-5888
4444 Main St. New York, NY 12345 jamesyu@gmail.com

( you need to clearly tell HR what job you want, if you don’t specify, or if you don’t clearly specify what job you want, HR will not waste their time to help you figure out what you want, they will throw your resume into the trash can immediately. Put different titles in different resumes if you try to target different jobs which use different skill sets.)

Statistical Data Analyst/Database Engineer/Reporting Engineer (That’s it. Not need waste more junk word at here)

(Highlight why the company should hire you, put your China experience in here, put all the hot words in this section, put specific number of years, so they immediately know who you are. Put the skills they need for that position in here)

-- Master of Math with emphasis on Applied Statistics;
-- 4 years data reporting and analyzing experience with large volume of data by using SQL, Excel;
-- 5 years project coordinating and 7 years engineering in top research institute;
-- 1 year of Java, Fortran and other statistical programming on Unix/Windows;
-- Highly motivated on programming trouble shooting and new projects;
-- Effective ability to work independently and as a team member on group projects.

SKILLS (Put all the hot skills in here)
• Statistical Package: R, S-PLUS, SAS, SPSS
• Computer language: C, HTML, Php, Perl, Java, Fortran
• Microsoft Office Software: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

EDUCATION (List Degree, School, graduate time, that’s it)
• M.S., Mathematics with emphasis area of Statistics, University of Plano, Jan. 2007
• B.E., Material Science and Engineering, XinJiang University, China, 1992

SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS (List all the great things you have done. What you did (usually most of our friends know how to write this part.), how you did it (tools used, system used, how complex the system is, how much $$ involved, how many people involved, how many customers involved, how many lines of code in there, etc), what is the meaning of your work (how much time saved ahead of the schedule, how much budget saved, how much revenue earned, how much efficiency increased, anyway, how good of your work makes you current boss likes you. Etc.)

• Data Analysis by Excel for the study of new moon cell
1. Analyze the virtues of Silicon Film how to influence the efficiency of the Moon cell
2. Choose the best dye-photosensitizer with outstanding visible color feature

(if you did put the major things in the SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS, this section can be very simple, just include: Job title, company name, location, start – end year. That’s it. If you do not put these things above, then you need to put "what you did" in this section just how you did in the SEELCTED ACHIEVEMENTS part)

• Instructor for Elementary Statistics (Math101), Department of Mathematics, University of Plano, Jan.2007—May 2007,
Teach two classes with responsibilities of lecturing, responding to students’ questions, and developing and grading projects and tests; Course covered data classification, the deion of data, continuous random variables, central limit theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and linear regression.

•, Engineer, Institute of Moon, Chinese Academy of Science Beijing, P.R.China, Sep.1992–-Feb.1999
1. 1994-1999, Project coordinator and engineer for the international project of "What is inside the Moon Cell" (1994-1999). Coordinating duties include laboratory renovation in the beginning, procurement and management of equipment and chemical reagents and the documentation of weekly progress and reports. Conducted project scheduling, experimental instruments designing, data collecting and analyzing for the efficiency of new Moon cell.
2. …..

Advanced Statistics (I, II), Applied Regression Analysis,
Generalized Linear Regression and Semi-parametric Regression,
Bioinformatics (Data Analysis for DNA Microarrays),
Introduction to SAS programming, Practical Regression and ANOVA using R
Data structures and Algorithms in Java

REFERENCES (Don’t list name in here, only give after they ask)
Available upon request

Others: (if you have a Green Card, tell them)
U.S. permanent resident


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