
話說今天早上,一切看似如常...大約9:30 左右..和我closely work 的一個在公司5 年的女的被叫到辦公室..然後大家議論紛紛:"is that something bad gonna happen?" , 等她回到自己座位..她明顯抑製自己的情緒盡力保持平靜的語調對我說:"xxx, i am leaving for the day..we'll keep in touch" ...我一下呆了..再怎麽樣也沒想到她會被layoff..在很多人眼裏她是兼備技術和管理才能,,對人也非常之nice...這時另一個manager問我是不是她被layoff 了..我說是的..她先是詫異得有點speechless 的感覺..然後憤憤的來了一句:"xx shit!"...後來才知道她自己也是被雷的名單之一..
整個一上午大家惶恐不安...最後被告之..我們部門已結束..共砍掉8人..接下來是別的部門...整個公司這次預備砍掉20%雇員..而且這一輪今天結束..估計大約3 ,4 月份還會有第二波..
然後 , 就是沒完沒了的開會..manager 說:" i want to give you all guys an arousing speech but i can't...i was just told this morning people in this department will be laid off during this week..but i don't know who...what can make you feel better is probably thinking this way...what would you do if next time it hits you ..do you have enough preparation for that?"

最後他略帶諷刺地說了句:"...well..that's all for today ..have a great day!" 大家都苦笑..

i feel sad all through the day and have such a headache ....i guess i will feel better tomorrow..hope so


謝謝分享,危機可以讓人更堅強 -tty- 給 tty 發送悄悄話 tty 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2009 postreply 16:54:00

我看你興奮不行了 -黃處長- 給 黃處長 發送悄悄話 黃處長 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/15/2009 postreply 16:57:28
