
回答: 請問大家麵試午餐的問題travelalone2015-02-19 13:33:56

1, order what other ordered or ask their suggestion
2, order whatever easy to bite, not smelly
3, order mid range price item
4, I will have salad or soup with sandwich
5, not rib or you need to use your finger
6, again watch what other order, some health freak people like all other people eat health


我不會要沙拉,口紅吃掉不說,牙齒縫裏沒準還夾菠菜 -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2015 postreply 18:09:05
