回報貼: My 2 cents regarding the interview

本帖於 2010-10-10 08:16:21 時間, 由版主 美國老土 編輯

Please note that I am not an expert. But I wish it is helpful to people here. 

Interview Questions 

Interview questions and response database:


I have referenced the above website to prepare the interview questions. You can pick up the questions that you think are most important and most likely to be asked. 

I have listed some key questions that I have prepared and were asked during the interview.

l         Tell me something about yourself

l         Why you want to leave your current employer? Why you left your previous employers?

l         Long term objectives ( 5 years, 10 years)

l         Most rewarding accomplishment

l         What you like most about your current position? Most challenging? Dislike?

l         Idea position, company, boss

l         Strength / weakness

l         Any conflict with your boss/co-worker? How it was solved?

l         Why we should hire you?

l         What was your last presentation? Have you expect any questions from your audience?

l         An example of a project that didn’t work out well?

l         An example that you explained terms to people who are not in the same background.

Questions to Ask

I don’t think it is a good idea to ask a lot of questions. I only ask questions that would help me to understand the position and the interviewers. Also, you would better ask questions that are easy to answer or the interviewers would like to share.

l         Would you please be more specific about the job responsibility?

l         What is your expectation of me for the first 6 months and the first year?

l         Whom I would interact most?

l         How long they have been with the company? What have attracted him/her?

l         What you like most about this company? Dislike?

l         If they are the members of any committee or task force etc...  

l         Next step and timeframe

l         I believe that I am a good fit for this position. Do you have any concerns so that I still have a chance to address it?

Other preparations:

l         Company information

l         Good the interviewers (linked in, face book, industry website)

During the interview, I would like to deliver the following qualities:

l         Confident

l         Capability – I can do the job or I can bring the value

l         Smart, but I will not threat any one’s position. So it is very important to know the interviewer’s title and his/her personality You can adjust yourself to his/her style.

l         Short and simple answers to the question since sometime people don’t get what you are trying to say if your answer is too long unless you are very good in communication.

l         Easy going person to work with

n         Speak slowly – Smile – Calm

n         Eye contact

n         Make sure that I understand the question before I answer it

n         Responsive when they answer my questions. Nod my head if needed or say yes if needed

n         Compliment the interviewer. For example, I have read one article written by one interviewer. I will mention that.

n         Even if you don’t agree, don’t say it. Saying, “That’s interesting.”

During the interview, I pay much attention to what kind of person the interviewer is.I enjoy this part. 

n         The pace they ask/answer the questions.

n         If he/she pay attention and is interested when you answer the question

n         If he/she is sincere to share his/her thoughts

n         The way he/she answers the question – short/concise

l         Technical and serious type

n         Most likely this type of person would like to ask the technique questions. Answer the question directly and watch his response to see if she/he agrees what you said. Ask him/her to share their thoughts to see if you can turn the interview into a discussion

l         Bitch and arrogant type

n         If he/she interrupt you often and seems not care what you said

n         The best way I think is to make him/her comfortable and compliment him/her

l        personal - add some sense of humor to your answer









謝謝! 收藏! -lavender_w- 給 lavender_w 發送悄悄話 lavender_w 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2010 postreply 18:13:40

Very useful info. Thanks a lot! -Justathought- 給 Justathought 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2010 postreply 18:36:46

很實在的回報哈,收藏! -nowness- 給 nowness 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2010 postreply 22:01:12

Thanks for sharing! -fengshui- 給 fengshui 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 10/10/2010 postreply 08:08:37

頂! very useful for 找工的人.Thanks -greentree2010- 給 greentree2010 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2010 postreply 17:36:03

收藏了, -didadida- 給 didadida 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2010 postreply 22:31:18
