
回答: 請老土和再指教以下幾個麵試問題牛年好運2010-09-07 18:52:29

I think you may be a little off track here. For Q1, the key is to talk to what the position needs. If your background is a good fit, you can be honest and talk about what they look for at the same time. Read the job description.

For Q2, my take is to talk about your are committed to your next position long term and that you are confident that you will do a good job for the opening position. You might want to add something in the end such as "I am sure as I do a good job, opportunities will look up for me", but be brief on that.

Q3 is an okay story however you need to make sure you don't leave an impression that you don't obey your boss. That impression would be very bad.

For Q4, I would not go with lack of networking because even if it was true in the past, that could still hurt my chance of getting hired now.


job deion = job d-e-s-c-r-i-p-t-i-o-n -y2- 給 y2 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/07/2010 postreply 19:42:05
