My comments

本帖於 2010-05-24 14:46:39 時間, 由超管 論壇管理 編輯

1.主管決定一切, 其他的人隻不過是走過場, 給人一種民主化擇優錄用的感覺.

Make sure no one bad mouths you! Even though a considerable number of people don't want to bad mouth a candidate who impresses hiring manager, negative comment from one team member can change the mind of the hiring manager. Believe or not, hiring manager cares about the opinion of the team members. Hiring manager must think twice if team work is crucial afterward but candidate does not seem to get along with others even before being hired.

2.ON-site 麵試一般有三位候選人. 經過前幾輪的篩選, 主管心目中已經有最合適的候選人. 麵試的結果, 80%的概率是排在第一位的候選人入選.(許多人誤以為, 自己有1/3的概率, 其實不然)
True. But in reality, top candidates almost always get multiple offers. If offer is not strong, hiring manager has to go down to the second or even the third candidate. Starting the entire process from the beginning is costly and also hiring manager doesn't want to be regarded as an inefficient leader.

4. White guys are better mannered, not to be offensive even they don't like you, which is important. They don't want to offend you because within one industry, no one knows if he will encounter you again or not.

5. For me, it is true. For candidates I like, I always ask her expectation of compensation. If gap between my range and her expectation is too wide to fill up, why waste time and energy?

Failing an interview is nothing. Don't let such minor failure ruin your confidence and mood. But readiness can be critical for success.


Good points. Thanks -孤獨求愛- 給 孤獨求愛 發送悄悄話 孤獨求愛 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/23/2010 postreply 16:05:08
