
本帖於 2024-07-17 06:10:36 時間, 由普通用戶 十具 編輯
回答: 江青拍的《颯爽英姿》中的女民兵是誰千裏2024-07-16 12:56:16



這些女民兵隸屬剛組建的蘇軍1077高炮團。該團的任務是市區的防空。由於其任務的性質是非一線步兵作戰,戰士們全部都是市區高中剛畢業的女生。由於時間倉促,她們的訓練嚴重不足。更要命的是,當她們遭遇德軍坦克部隊時,身邊沒有蘇軍步兵的協同掩護。 這些還是孩子的女民兵們,放平了她們的高射炮管,與德軍坦克部隊進行了殊死的較量。


For two days, the 1077th fought shot for shot against hundreds of enemy tanks, thousands of enemy troops and aerial attacks from the German air force, the Luftwaffe. According to official Soviet records, the young women of the regiment destroyed or damaged 83 tanks, 15 armored personnel carriers, dispersed three battalions of infantry and down 14 enemy planes.

The Germans didn't discover who was manning the flak guns until they wiped them out, destroying 37 positions. After defeating the young gunners, the 16th Panzer Division referred to the 1077th's "tenacious fighting women," which is as close to a compliment one might find from an enemy during the Battle of Stalingrad.
