There may also be a danger in the advice that students have to be “pointy.” There’s value in trying new things in high school and building a diverse set of skills, and the process of trial and error helps kids learn who they are. There’s a narrative for those kids, too, says Trevor Day School’s Exline: “One of the tough things about being pointy is that it can unintentionally raise the bar on yourself. So if you are a pointy STEM kid and you really want to be premed, well, everyone who wants to be premed has an A in every science class and in every math class and an internship, and they’ve worked in a research lab and they have a 1550 on the SAT and a 35 on the ACT and all these other things. If you have decided to go pointy in that direction, or try to fabricate yourself as pointy in that direction, and you are short on any of those metrics, it probably isn’t going to work out. You have to be really careful about where you’ve decided to try to stack the deck.”
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