妹妹一家F4移民,妹妹 (Principal applicant)必須住在美國嗎才能保住她全家的綠卡嗎?
妹妹想留下她的兒子在美國上高中,然後她回中國,因為在中國的父母需要照顧。 妹妹的兒子(derivative applicant)能獨立在美國嗎 (i.e. keep his green card) after his mom (principal applicant) goes back to China?
-Yes, the mom leaving does not affect the kid's green card validity
-At least 6 months evey year. Of course, it is fine occasionally to stay outside US for more than 6 months but less thna one year. If you need to stay outside US for more than one year, you need to apply for reentry permit.