1 獨女,父母身體不好,大約需要多長排隊時間?-Normally about one to two years, but it seems it takes more time in these days. If they are in US now, it takes much less time.
2 綠卡辦好後,頭三年是否必須在美住6個月以上?-Not only 頭三年,, but every year.
1 獨女,父母身體不好,大約需要多長排隊時間?-Normally about one to two years, but it seems it takes more time in these days. If they are in US now, it takes much less time.
2 綠卡辦好後,頭三年是否必須在美住6個月以上?-Not only 頭三年,, but every year.
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