8老師, 你好:
我父親去年底剛收到綠卡,他想四月回國處理一些事物,一年之內回美。請問他應該不需要回美證吧 ?(一年之內)。
-Not need it.
-It is fine for a green card holder occasionally to stay outside US for more than 6 months and less than one year.
或者有什麽新規定 ?
8老師, 你好:
我父親去年底剛收到綠卡,他想四月回國處理一些事物,一年之內回美。請問他應該不需要回美證吧 ?(一年之內)。
-Not need it.
-It is fine for a green card holder occasionally to stay outside US for more than 6 months and less than one year.
或者有什麽新規定 ?
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