
回答: 1-485維生素D_032025-02-04 09:28:41

Do you mean Part 9, Question 61, 62 to 68? If yes, you need to re-complete a new I-485 and asnwer these questions as the RFE reuqired on the new I-485 and submit the new I-485 for the RFE.

Explain in the cover letter that you answered the questions on the new I-485 as the RFE required. Enclose the RFE Notice with your response when you send the response on paper. Scan the RFE Notice and upload it with your response when you respond to the RFE online.

If you are not sure how to answer these questions, you had better consult an immigrant lawyer.


謝謝8老師 -維生素D_03- 給 維生素D_03 發送悄悄話 (130 bytes) () 02/05/2025 postreply 19:30:55
