8老師你好!非常感謝您!我給我弟弟的I-130 表格又遇到問題啦, 一個禮拜前我剛把我妹妹的I-130提交了,現在case status 是“case was received and a receipt notice was sent “ 我弟弟的申請表我需要提供我妹妹的case信息, 其中一個問題“what was the result? For example:approved, denied, withdrawn “ 我應該怎麽填?
-Say "Pending".
8老師你好!非常感謝您!我給我弟弟的I-130 表格又遇到問題啦, 一個禮拜前我剛把我妹妹的I-130提交了,現在case status 是“case was received and a receipt notice was sent “ 我弟弟的申請表我需要提供我妹妹的case信息, 其中一個問題“what was the result? For example:approved, denied, withdrawn “ 我應該怎麽填?
-Say "Pending".
謝謝8老師! 您給了我太多幫助
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10/13/2024 postreply
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