1. 我母親綠卡回國可以最長呆多久?
-Your mother had better apply for reentry permit to travel to China, which allows her to stay in China for > one year < two years from the date the reentry permit is approved. She can leave US after conducting the fingerprinting, not need to wait for the reentry permit approval. Then, you can mail the approved reentry permit to her later.
2. 如果超過一年以上綠卡就作廢了嗎?
-If she does not apply for reentry permit, then her green card will be void after her stay in China for more than one year continuously.
3. 如果再來美國是不是還得申請10年簽證?
-If her green card is void, she needs to abandon the green card and then, apply for B2 visa to visit you.
她是去年以10年簽來的,後來我們給她申請了綠卡。 我母親有dementia,情緒時好時壞。不過還認識我們,我也說不上在哪個stage上。我們小孩明年要申請大學. 我們都是全職工作。不敢冒風險讓她呆在這兒怕影響孩子。我哥在國內今年年初退休。 說老實話大家都不太愛侍候,老太太脾氣打年輕時就暴。