
回答: 非常感謝,還有一個問題Lecds2024-06-22 18:20:19

謝謝您的信息,就是說卡比approved notice 更有用。

-Correct. The physical green card is accepted by everywhere (i.e., between USCIS, you and public) and the I-485 approval notice is only accepted by USCIS unit (i.e., between you and USCIS only). For example, your employer will not accept your I-485 Approval Notice,, but accept your green card only for the employment.

我是否可以在其他州的SSA 辦公室 去Update 我的SSN?

-Yes. But the new SSN card will be sent to the address where you update the card.

比如我有2個州的住址(來回跑),申請485時,所有文件留的是NJ 地址,Approved notice和卡都寄到了NJ地址,

但我是否可以在FL Update 我的SSN?如果可以在FL 更新SSN,是否需要提供額外文件?

-The green card is enough.


多謝 -Lecds- 給 Lecds 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/23/2024 postreply 12:49:37
