
移民進入美國時護照要有起碼60天的有效期。所以如果你想移民簽證有6個月的有效期的話,護照就要要有6個月+60天的有效期。但是如果你的護照有效期更短,他們可以把移民簽證有效期剪短,讓它在護照過期前60天過期,那樣就可以在舊護照上簽發移民簽證。看9 FAM 504.10-2(A)(2):

(2)  (U) Limitation of Visa Validity to Meet Passport Validity Requirement:  If an immigrant is required to present a valid passport, determine whether the applicant’s passport is valid for at least 60 days beyond the validity of the visa, as required in 22 CFR 42.64(b).  You may limit the validity of the visa to less than six months if the passport is valid for 60 days plus a period sufficient to enable the applicant travel to the United States.



那我現在去更新護照,麵簽時帶兩本護照去可以嗎? -葡萄錘子- 給 葡萄錘子 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/16/2024 postreply 09:45:56

應該可以 -newacct- 給 newacct 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/16/2024 postreply 09:52:44
