
回答: 8老師, 兄弟姐妹移民(2)新手上路20202022-03-01 14:51:40

這是另一個兄弟的情況。兄弟已經離婚, 前妻已另嫁並有了孩子。上傳了離婚公證證明婚姻情況。一直重重複複要求上傳已經accepted 的文件, 最後聽你的建議打電話去簽證中心, 他們告訴我要把前妻的status從"accompany "改為"follow to join", 律師事務所幫上傳文件時說follow to join不對, 要另外上傳資料說明前妻不一起跟來美國, 要簽證中心取消她的名字才行。

-Your brother's ex-wife is not qualified for immigration to US. The offier in NVC is not professional and it seems he/she did not know this business well. The lawyer is right and you or the lawyer should ask NVC to remove your brother's ex-wife's name and add his current wife' name to the list and send you the invoice to pay the fee for the current wife, not ex-wife.

好吧, 聽律師的, 讓事務所幫弄。直到上個月25號, 收到簽證中心的email 說要幫前妻繳費。我是徹底跪啦!人不一起過來也要繳費填D260嗎?離婚後他們都沒有來往, 基本情況不掌握根本填不了D260。這麽反反複複的遞交文件都不通過, 移民事務所也幫不上忙, 現在真是六神無主, 不知道怎麽辦好。

-Because you have hired the lawyer to represent you for the case, just ask the lawyer to contact NVC to remove the ex-wife and add the current wife to the lsit and send you the invorce. You do not need to pay the fee for the ex-wife and also do not fill DS 260 for her.

我外甥原來在這裏上大學, 因為排期到回了中國上網課, 隨著疫情結束全麵開放, 網課也準備上不了了, 但是也過不來。現在簽證中心要我上傳form 1099, 這個不是要到退休才有的嗎?我又沒退休, 哪裏來的form 1099? 真的好無助。

-Provide your W2 of 2020 and 2021 and the copy of tax return of 2020 and 2021.  You can provide your marriage certificate as The proof of you and your household member (your spouse).

上次移民律師對我說, 簽證中心裏麵工作的人全部是臨時工, 沒有人可以在那裏連續工作滿3年。因為沒有連續性, 沒有有經驗的人, 出錯是家常便飯。

-It is true. So, you need to be patient. You may ask the supervisor to talk to you when you calll them.



謝謝8老師的及時回複。問題是我兄弟現在是單身。移民的有他和他女兒。那我們要做什麽? -新手上路2020- 給 新手上路2020 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/01/2022 postreply 16:45:00

Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (241 bytes) () 03/01/2022 postreply 16:51:34
