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回答: I-864 幫父母移民問題sunshine052020-12-12 15:46:18

請教一下, 我幫父母移民 I-130 已經過了, 現在在填寫 I-864. 我是需要填兩份 I-864 給父母分別, 還是一份就可以?

-Two I-864, respectviely, for your father and mother. 

因為我第一份是給我爸, 但看到 Part 3, 第二個問題,我是要選的, 對吧? 然後4a, 填上我媽的名字?

-No. Leave that item blank. Check "Yes" to "Item 1" for both I-864..

如果這樣做了, 我還要天第二份嗎? 

還是要第二個問題就不打勾, 然後4a 就不填? 再重新填一份我媽的? 

還有Part5 怎麽計數呢?

-Fill "1" in Item 6 of Part 5 in both I-864 to include your father and mother into your householdd size.

我家就我和我老公, 然後想把我爸媽給移民過來

最後請教, Part5 第三題, 我要填1, 給我老公,所以他要交I-864A 嗎? -If you will use your spouse's income to support your parents, then he needs to file I-864A. Otherwise, he does not need to file I-864A and you don't need to include him into the household size if he can support himself, i.e. leave Item 3 of Part 5 blank.

