
來源: 863211 2020-11-07 20:19:02 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1340 bytes)
回答: 請教8老師Yvonne112020-11-07 18:56:17

我們的綠卡到明年7月份到期,今年7月份申請延期,到現在為止隻收到receipt, 還沒有收到打指紋通知,請問:

1. 現在綠卡延期要多久?-10 to 12 months or more. 怎麽現在還沒有收到打指紋通知啊?-Due to Covid 19, USCIS may just use your old fingerprint in the system for the green card renewal in these days, but they still charge your biometrics fee.

2. 等綠卡延期可以買房搬家更換地址嗎?-Yes, but need to inform USCIS about the address change for resident address update and the I-90 case address update by filing AR-11 online. Then, call USCIS to make sure the address change in the system for I-90.

3. 等綠卡期間可以同時申請移民嗎?-What do you mean? 




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